Games of the Year 2010

It's almost the end of the year, only a few more hours to go. 2010 was a good year in gaming and here are my absolute favorite picks. Minecraft I like playing with fire (safely) in real life. In Minecraft I decided to light a tree on fire and watch it burn. Good times were had by me. Then I had an idea. A wonderful, awesome, burning idea. What if I lit all the trees on fire!? With this goal in mind I set to work and very soon had a forest fire raging through the world as far as I could see. It had taken off and was spreading wildly on its own. That's when my brother said, "Be careful where you light those fires, my castle is made of wood, remember?" The truth of the matter is that I remembered but was having far too much fun with fire to actually care. I'm a great big brother, I know. I said, "I'm sure it'll be fine." It wasn't. Although, in my defense, his castle did burn gloriously. We th...