Besides video games I also regularly play board games when I'm hanging out with people face to face. My brother, my wife, and I end up playing a lot of 3 player board games, but sometimes we get other players involved too. I realized I haven't talked much about what I've been playing in the world of board games, so here goes: Ticket to Ride - We own 3 different base versions of Ticket to Ride, 2 expansion sets, and an extra map set. We love this game. This is the game that gets the most overall table time when I'm playing board games with friends. It's super accessible but still holds fun for people who have been playing the game for a long time. I recommend this as a great beginner board game for anyone. Masquerade - A hidden role game where roles are constantly switching hands. You're limited in actions on your turn and can only take one action. This means that a lot of the time you're not entirely sure what role you currently ...
The BS!