StarCraft 2 Newbie Guide: Be Aggressive

Newbies in StarCraft 2 are often gun shy. I was guilty of it myself when I played the original StarCraft. The temptation is strong to wait for just one more unit, one more upgrade, one new building to be better than your opponent. Unfortunately, this is a good way to lose. Your opponent has just as much time as you do to upgrade and pump out units. You aren't getting ahead, you are simply delaying conflict. When a player only defends it is called turtle-ing. You can not win if you only defend. The winning condition for StarCraft 2 is to destroy all of your opponent's buildings. It won't ever get accomplished if you don't leave your base. There are two main advantages to staying aggressive with your units. Battle Control With a constant stream of attacks you decide when to battle and where to battle. You can be a constant thorn in the enemy's side. It keeps your opponent off balance. They constantly have ...