DDO Day 1: Re-entering the World

Last night I did as promised and re-entered a MMO. Dungeons and Dragons Online was my game of choice and I ended up making this badass. He's a Monk so watch your face... it might get punched. As you can see, he's a Monk and I managed to get him to level 2 last night. Level 2 is actually an accomplishment since DDO only has a total of 20 levels. Last time I tried DDO I would only play with my brother, I didn't do a single quest or dungeon by myself. This time is no different and you can check out his impressions over at Lost In Neurons . Last time we played until about level 6, so a lot of this content is familiar since we ran it once already. This time I rolled a Monk instead of a Ranger (which is what I played before). The best part about being a Monk is that I get to punch things - lots of things - right in the face. POW! It just makes me feel like a badass. My brother, on the other hand, rolled a Rogue because sensing, dete...