When Graphics Make the Game

Usually I think gameplay is more important than the quality of graphics in a game. Solid gameplay will hold up over time but the graphical envelope is constantly being pushed forward. Good gameplay lays the groundwork for a game with long lasting appeal. Great gameplay can be fun years down the line even when the graphics are totally outdated. With that said, properly implemented graphics can make a game entirely unique. I'm not talking about a higher polygon count or making a game that looks photo-realistic, I'm talking about style . Graphical style can completely define a game. Take the recently release Limbo as an example. The game creates a haunting atmosphere by being entirely black and white. The hand drawn style lends itself to a foreboding landscape with an oppressive feel. The sense of isolation is palpable while playing. The whole feel of the game is achieved through its graphics. If Limbo had been created with bri...