Challenge? What Challenge?

Deathwing says, "I'll give you a challenge." In the year since I last played World of Warcraft there are only a handful (I think 2) new 5-man dungeons. 5-mans are my favorite since they can be run quickly but still take skill and thought. Raiding is too time intensive for me, so 5-mans are perfect bite sized chunks of group activity. I always liked the cooperation and challenge it took to get through 5-man dungeons. Imagine my surprise to resubscribe and find that the challenge is gone. Everyone is so over-geared for the old dungeons that they just blast through. One of the tanks in a group the other night said, "Ugh, we've already taken 10 minutes, hurry it up guys." I couldn't believe it! These used to take a slow, measured, thoughtful approach and were run in about 30-45 minutes. Now 10 minutes is a long time? I guess when the dps can just AOE everything to death then the whole run goes a lot faster, but I think it's l...