Lasting Appeal

I can't find a new game to hold my attention. I want something that I've never played before that grabs me and keeps me interested... but I've had no luck. Thankfully, I have a few fallback games that keep me happy. Team Fortress 2, League of Legends , and Starcraft 2 are all amazing games that I love to play. I started wondering why I keep coming back for more. After giving it some thought, I've come up with a few reasons these games stay enjoyable. PvP Done Right No matter how well an AI is programmed there is still nothing like matching wit and skill with another human. All 3 of these games are based around multiplayer and have systems in place to keep things fair while competing against other humans. TF2 scrambles the teams whenever it detects a big imbalance in skill. SC2 and League both have awesome ranking systems in place to match players with others of a similar skill level. This way, no matter how good or bad you are, you'll h...