Still Here, Just Quiet

I haven't had a lot to post about lately. I've been mostly just killing time by playing League of Legends and Red Orchestra 2. League I've already talked about in depth and I'm still not sure what I think about RO2. It's a WWII game set on the Russia/German front that's a lot more realistic than most first persons shooters. I'm hoping my brother will do a write up for A Green Mushroom on it soon, since he's had more hands on time with the game than I have. Gears of War 3 is releasing tomorrow, and I'm very excited for it. I'm not expecting anything new or groundbreaking. I'm just looking forward to playing a series I love that's been polished to perfection. All the reviews I've seen have been positive. It's also a great excuse to get someone to sit down and play couch co-op with me. On the MMO front I'm starting to feel twinges of interest in Guild Wars 2. That's saying a lot since I still feel burned out ...