Blizzcon News

Everywhere I look, people are writing about Pandas and how Blizzard is mis-stepping with the new WoW expansion. I looked at the news, shrugged, and moved on. I guess I really am done with WoW. On the other hand I read everything I could find about the new StarCraft 2 units! They look awesome. It's much more exciting news for me because adding new units totally changes the game balance and the flow of battle. Here's a full list of the new units and changes. Protoss are (finally) getting some more anti-air and an intriguing new unit that can become any other unit in the game. Unfortunately Carriers are being pulled from multiplayer all together. Some Zerg units are changing or gaining abilities, like the awesome burrowed charge for Ultralisks. They're also getting a new siege unit which resembles a burrowed Broodlord. Terran Hellions will be able to morph into what looks like a giant mechanical firebat. A Terran pl...