Air Units in Starcraft 2

Recently evizaer wrote a post over at That's A Terrible Idea titled "Air Units in land-based RTSes" . In it he wrote about how air units in RTS games are "awkward". Saying they're either to powerful and become the only option, or they're just "ground units that ignore terrain". He goes on to wrap up his post by saying, "making all air units off-map call-ins tremendously increases the seeming realism and fun of air units while doing nothing to damage the metagame." This finishing statement, in my opinion, is completely and utterly wrong, and what better way to prove my point, than with Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2's air units fall into evizaer's category of "ground units that ignore terrain". On a surface level, this is true. However, there is much more to air units in Starcraft 2 than what that statement lets on. There are two states in Starcraft 2, when refering to air units, that a unit can be in. These s...