Finally Fantasy (III) is Complete!

Victorious (Ignus usually looks like that after a boss battle) I wanted to finish Final Fantasy III before the end of the year and I got it in just under the wire. My drive to power through the rest of the game and wrap it up was because I was stuck for such a long time. The last 20% of this game took me months and months simply because I didn't want to spend time grinding levels. I would not recommend Final Fantasy III to other people. It's the most grindy Final Fantasy game that I've played so far, and I've played most of them at one point or another. FFIII was most definitely a slog, especially toward the end. I'm not a fan of games that have mandatory level grinding to finish the game and unfortunately this falls into that category. It wasn't a horrible game by any means, it just wasn't nearly as good as the other entries in the Final Fantasy series that I've played. It had a more fleshed out story and better characters than FFI and F...