I always like to feel like I'm making progress in life. It's not just my career or family life, this extends into my hobbies as well. I always have multiple things that I'm working my way through. Generally, I have a game I'm playing, a TV show that I'm watching, a book that I'm reading, and a skill that I'm learning. At any given time in the past 10 or so years I guarantee that I could name all four of those thing for you at the drop of a hat. Every night I make some progress on one of those things. Even when I have a "lazy day" I know that one of those will move along a little bit. Does anyone else find themselves in the same mindset? I find that I literally can't sit in front of a TV and just watch random stuff all day. I feel like I'm not making progress on anything that counts and it drives me crazy. Right now I'm finishing up watching Game of Thrones Season 1 again. I'm in the middle of reading A Clash of Kings (...