The Final Fantasy Project: Sidequests

All through my mainline playthrough of the Final Fantasy series I've been thinking about what I'll do when I reach the end. I decided I would like to start playing Final Fantasy games that aren't part of the main series. A lot of Final Fantasy spin-off games sound like they would be a great fit for me. I've played a handful of the spin-offs in the past. I finished FFX-2, FFTA, and probably a couple other minor games. I've dabbled in FFTA2, Theatrhythm, All The Bravest, Crystal Defenders, Crystal Chronicles, and many more without completing them. If you can't tell by now, I love Final Fantasy. It's one of the only series that I've had a consistent passion for over the years. I plan on starting to get into these spinoff titles soon. So if you see a post with " The Final Fantasy Project Sidequests " in the title you'll know what to expect. I want to play around with as many spin-offs as I can. Since I know they're very hit-o...