Link-up Fridays

My friend, B.J. Keeton, has been doing Link-ups on Fridays for awhile now.  They're a really cool idea.  Basically, you embed the linkup code on your blog and let anyone submit a relevant link.  It's like a curated list of articles for the week, but both writers and readers of articles are submitting their favorites.

This past week he pointed out something interesting to me.  You can use the same embed code on multiple blogs and have it all contribute to the same Link-up.  He asked if I would be willing to try it out with him and I jumped at the chance.

So here it is!  My first Friday Link-up.  Check it out below.  Submit any link from the past week that you think other fans of this blog might enjoy.  Anything geeky, video gamey, exercisey, whatever.  We're not going to curate it and pull links out.  If you think it's cool and want to share it with the community then feel free to drop it in the Link-up.

And if you're interested in joining our Link-up and embedding the same code on your blog just let me or B.J. know and we'll get you involved!


  1. The link up is a really cool idea!! Is it a weekly thing on Fridays? I might be down with getting in on the Link-Up if so. :)


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