Star Wars Legends

After writing my other post about the Star Wars Expanded Universe I learned that the old Expanded Universe is now called Star Wars Legends.  It's actually a pretty good name for it, since it is essentially it's own separate universe now.  From what I can tell, there's no official name for the New Expanded Universe, but from now on I'll refer to the Old Expanded Universe as Star Wars Legends.

I've decided to do what I was contemplating.  I'm going to re-read a big chunk of the Star Wars Legends in order and rekindle my fond memories of the series.

I've been referring to this handy chart while planning my reading.  I suggest you glance at it, just to see how many novels are in the Star Wars Legends collection.  It's impressive.

I've read the majority of the Star Wars Legends book, from all the eras represented.  Going back and reading absolutely everything isn't something I feel like doing right now.  But I do have a plan for which novels I'm revisiting.

I'm going to start with some selected readings from the Rebellion Era.  There are a lot of books in the Rebellion Era, but they don't actually add that much of interest.  This is the era in the timeline where the movies are taking place, so the novels are super constrained to fit around the movies.  I'm skipping the entire era except for Shadows of the Empire and The Truce at Bakura.  They're both one-off books.  Shadows of the Empire takes place between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in the original trilogy.  The Truce at Bakura happens immediately after Return of the Jedi.  They both add a little bit and help round out the story in the Rebellion era.

After that I'm going to read everything.  There are three eras that exist after the Rebellion era.  Those are where the best books in Star Wars Legends are.

The New Republic Era is all about what happens after you overthrow an empire.  How do you deal with the fallout and establish a new government?  What are the ramifications and unforeseen consequences?  I've read over half of the novels in this era.

The New Jedi Order Era is the next generation of Jedi trained by Luke Skywalker.  It includes the children of Han and Leia.  The Solo children are some of the best characters in Star Wars Legends.  This is where the novel series starts to get amazing.  The authors are finally free to stretch their imaginations beyond the Rebellion/Empire dynamic.  This is my favorite era in the Star Wars Legends universe.  I've read every book in this era.

The Legacy Era deals with how the next generation of Jedi handle the fallout from the events of the New Jedi Order Era.  In the New Jedi Order era there is a war with a new group of enemies and it leaves that generation of Jedi changed and scarred in interesting ways.  This is the era where the long term consequences of all that is shown.  The Legacy Era is much more about personal relationships and threats from within.  I've also read every book in this era as well.

That's my master plan.  It'll take awhile, and I'm ok with that.  For the most part I will be revisiting books that I loved the first time I read them.  I'll have a better perspective on them now that I've read so many Star Wars books.  It'll be interesting to see which novels and book series hold up well.  I'm also excited to read all the books in the New Republic era that I missed the first time I went through these novels.

Now that I have it down in writing I actually need to do it.  Better get started.


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