X-Wing Rogue Squadron

I'm continuing down the path of re-exploring some of my favorite childhood novels in the Star Wars universe. I'm finally to the part of the New Republic Era of books where it starts to get really good. I just finished reading X-Wing Rogue Squadron and I'm surprised to find that it's still as good as I remembered it. I was afraid this series wouldn't hold up. I haven't read these books since I was a teenager or earlier. It's still fantastic. Rogue Squadron is the famous squadron of X-Wing pilots that developed out of Red Squadron from the first Star Wars movie. Most of the well known pilots have either died or moved on when this series picks up. Only a few veteran rogues are left to rebuild the squadron with new members. It's a good primer on a few of my favorite characters from the Star Wars universe, Wedge Antilles and Corran Horn. Wedge was one of Luke's friends and he is the current leader of Rogue Squadron. He's the...