The End of Blaugust

Wow, what a month.  Blaugust was awesome!

31 posts in 31 days is a tall order, but so many bloggers have risen to the challenge.

I ended up working ahead and scheduling posts out in advance, but I know there are a lot of the bloggers who diligently wrote posts every day.

Congrats everyone!  We made it!  We made so much content and had a great time building our community!

This was a fantastic event.  Thanks so much to Belghast for organizing it and helping it along throughout the month.  It wouldn't have happened without him.

Thanks everyone who participated.  We made it!  You guys all rock!


  1. Likewise. Grats on making it through. I started out with pre-post scheduling, but that quickly fell to the wayside and had to post on a day-by-day basis. I know how hard it can be, so grats on that as well. :)


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