Star Fox Zero Review
My initial impression of the game was one of disappointment. You see... they've taken traditional Star Fox controls and then added on non-optional motion controls with the Wii U gamepad. I hate the control scheme. I thought it was maybe ok until I hit the end of the first level and went into All-Range Mode and they just made the whole experience frustrating.
I powered through and beat the game... because I love Star Fox anyway and even by the time I finished I still hadn't adjusted to the controls. And I'm a video game player of over 25 years at this point. I really don't know why they did this to the controls.
I was ready to completely write off the game for myself but then flipping through the map I noticed co-op mode.
Co-op mode gives one player a pro controller (closest to a "normal" controller that Nintendo makes) and let's that player have traditional Star Fox controls! Then it gives you a dedicated gunner as the second player who gets the gamepad.
This is how you implement motion controls. Co-op is a ton of fun with a second player! I still wish that I could play single player with default controls but it doesn't look like that's ever going to be an option. I'll just content myself with co-op and the awesomeness that is the pack in game, Star Fox Guard. But more about that one tomorrow!
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