Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection Review

I liked the Cosmere Collection a lot, but it's not going to be for most people. The Cosmere is the greater interconnected universe that Brandon Sanderson has slowly been building in the background of a lot of his novels and novellas. He's mentioned that they're all connected and only recently have some of the connections been mentioned in the text of his work. This is a short story collection all about that. It's a series of short stories and novellas from his various worlds in the Cosmere. Some of them are brand new for this collection and some of them I've read before as stand-alones. But, they're all good. If you've read the majority of Sanderson's work then you owe it to yourself to pick up this Cosmere Collection. If you haven't read any of his work or only a few books then definitely skip this one for the moment and keep it in mind for later. But for the Sanderson fans out there, this one is great!