S2E12 - Beating Mass Effect Andromeda and Buying Video Games in Installments - “I’ve never seen the internet overreact to anything before”

Beating Mass Effect Andromeda and Buying Video Games in Installments In this episode: OMG! BIG NEWS! We are incredibly excited to announce that we m ade a new friend! YAAAAAY! The Geektitude podcast has joined the Geek to Geek podcast network. Geektitude is an interview show, which our network has been looking to include for quite a while. We just had to find the right one. And Joe is the right guy for th e job. We couldn't be happier with the addition, and we certainly hope y'all will give him the same kind of love and warm-fuzzies that you have given the rest of us. Make sure you head over to the Geektitude Facebook page and give it a like, subscribe on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, and give him a shout at @epicgrays on Twitter. And you know what's best of all? He has like 70ish episodes to listen to already, so what are you waiting for? Get to streaming! Mass Effect Andromeda Void beat Mass Effect Andro...