2022 Games of the Year: Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 finally released the current gen version of the game this year alongside patches that fixed a lot of the bugs and major complaints from early reviews. I had been waiting for it to hit that point so I grabbed it on sale and ended up liking it enough to play through the whole game. That being said, this game is mostly... fine. It's a fine game. It's not amazing but not horrible either. The fidelity of the world they've created is a huge achievement. Night City feels well realized. I was impressed by the overall look and feel of the game. But the gameplay wasn't great. It felt like so many first person western RPGs that I've played before. If you've ever played an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game, this is very similar. The combat is serviceable but not actually very fun moment to moment. There's a lot of side content but ultimately not much reason to engage with it. The main story is what kept me interested enough to f...